Friday, July 27, 2012

Older Translation Compilation

Well, here we go, a compilation post containing all four of Rider Kick Translation's past works. Since the majority of them were related to Aisia from Da Capo Second Season (a shame there isn't more, actually...I'm looking at you, Kansai-Orange!!) I decided to go with that character for the post's promo shot. Now then, on to the nitty-gritty. All these works have been updated with new direct-download links ( instead of depositfiles), new gallery links (ExHentai instead of E-Hentai) and all-new torrents that actually work this time around. As such you should have no problems getting a hold of them one of many different ways. If for any reason you have an issue with one of our releases, no matter how old, be sure to leave a comment and we'll see what we can do about it!

Now, a little bit about the future. We have a few projects in the pipeline already. As I mentioned in the last post there's a Macross Frontier doujin we'd like to do and our editor Kyonpalm is already on the case. I would really like to translate the remaining books in the Mahou Shoujo Neko XXX series as well, since those have been out since like 2005 and we still don't have English versions. Considering I'm super moe for Peke--and I already started one of the books back in '06--that's something I'd like to finish sooner than later. We also have a new translator joining the team who's working on a Super Robot Wars book so once that's finished I'll introduce him as well as post up the results. Look forward to it!

Mostly we do what we want, but sometimes we can be pursuaded to translate other stuff. If you have a suggestion, let us know and we'll see if one of our translators wants to pick it up. We just might! Now, with all that done, let's get on to the old books.

Girls pop by Kinema Bambi
ExHentai Gallery
Torrent File
Direct Download

D.C. ~Endless Summer~ by Kansai-Orange
ExHentai Gallery
Torrent File
Direct Download

Endless Summer Chapter-2 by Kansai-Orange
  ExHentai Gallery
Torrent File
Direct Download

Shoujo A by KEN
ExHentai Gallery
Torrent File
Direct Download

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ookami-san to Akuma no DokuDoku Ringo!! by Studio Tar!

Well, here we go, first project of the new blog. As noted on the old blog, Wordpress went and changed their Terms of Service to specifically state that any blog with 18+ content was breaking the rules. Though we hadn't actually been given a notice about it nor had we been handed a demand to take it down we decided to move over to Blogger as a precaution anyway. At least here we can put up a disclaimer and not have to worry about what sort of content we post. We much prefer that!

So, here's a work that's been in progress for almost as long as the old blog. This doujin came out in August of 2010 and was an immediate favorite of mine. For anyone who has seen the Anime, I hope that you'll agree as I thought that this doujin gets all the feeling of the series spot-on. The character personalities are just right, the storyline is silly and best of all the narrator is perfect. I can hear Satomi Arai's voice in my head!

Yet for years no one stepped up to do the translation. I got about 19 pages of it done then the project kind of fell to the wayside for quite a while. Finally I decided to get off my butt and do the rest and here it is all finished. Of course, it helped that our two-man translation team has added a few members since then. I'll hold off on introducing all of them but one I will do is the one who took on the editing side of this project.

An internet round of applause to Kyonpalm who despite a tumultuous home environment managed to take care of the entire edit in short order. Without him it's likely this doujin would still be untranslated! So thank you, Kyonpalm, and welcome to Rider Kick Translations!


Now, on the old blog we mentioned picking up a Macross Frontier project. The truth is, the translation on that project was finished yesterday. It was submitted to E-Hentai as a bounty so in theory another team should be doing the edit. However, our ever-enthusiastic scanner/editor Kyonpalm asked to take on the project and I've sent the script his way. Who knows? You might just see another release here real soon with yet another personal favorite. This time a project from 2009! It's only taken three years to complete!

In the mean time I've been given the job of migrating all our old content from Wordpress to Blogger, so there should be an update coming soon with all the older books. Instead of Depositfiles we'll be using and all gallery links will be updated to EX so that you don't pine for the fjords trying to access them. Also included will be working torrent links, woo-hoo! Please note, however, that this move to ExHentai's gallery system means you'll need a login for E-Hentai in order to see the gallery. If you are having trouble with accessing ExHentai, I highly suggest the Firefox/Chrome plugin specifically designed for it. You can get it here:

See you next update!

Welcome to the new blog!

We're not dead yet guys! Just distracted. REALLY distracted. By children's card games. But that's not the point. Welcome to the new blog! Please update your bookmarks if you have any. We'll still be here to deliver the terrible goods when we get the time.

We'll also update the blog with content from the older posts when we have the time. In the meantime, please look forward to some new translations!