Monday, September 1, 2014

Deru Deru Cirno by Golden Tube

There's a really interesting story about this one. Mostly it's that back when this book was out, I basically bought up a bunch of this artist's books and scanned almost all of them. I ended up becoming sort of the go-to guy when it came to Golden Tube and so it was all the better that someone had put a bounty on a scan for it. "Great!" I thought, "Being rewarded is nice too." So the book's up for all of I think a day...and I notice that someone put up a bounty for it to be translated too. On top of that it was a translation-only bounty requiring no editing. "Well... I can translate. Why not!" So I went about seeing if I could just do a quick TL.

Sure enough, I not only claimed the scan bounty but the TL one as well. Wasn't able to go for the hat trick and nab the editing one but that's all right, Lunatic2 did a fantastic job with the edit and I wouldn't have it any other way. So without further ado, another collaboration between myself and the wonderful folks over at E-H! Thanks for the GP, everybody!

This is Golden Tube's one and only doujinshi...or rather, his one and only parody doujinshi. Everything else Ogu has ever put to paper has been original works (which we love him for), so this is a rare gem. In this book the strongest (if not smartest) fairy is led on by The Doctor (no, not Peter Capaldi, the other one) in order to gather some rare ingredient or another. In typical doujin-logic fashion this starts with tea and ends with pee. Haha, I made a rhyme. Probably tastes good with lime. I need to watch this week's Gaim...

In any event, it's a short but good story about what happens if you don't hand-pick your physician. Enjoy!

It's too bad it ended here, to be honest.

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