Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Nena Typhoon by Nippon Teikoku Toshokan

So remember how last post, forever ago, I mentioned that I was going to be working on a translation for a Gundam 00 book, Nena Typhoon? Well here it is, all translated and ready to go! Like the two 2Stroke books this one was edited over at E-H Forums so it's an EHCove release officially, but as always since I put my hand into the translation I'll be crossposting it on this blog. I actually started translating this one a loooong time ago, specifically a page about how GN particles can turn you into a loli. Then this bounty came up for it and I thought, heck, why not! I'll just translate the rest! Well easier said than done--there were a ton of really complex areas in the book that had me dragged down for a bit confirming context, and even now there are one or two lines that I'm not 100% about. On top of that, the existing scan at E-H was quite poor so I also went out and bought a copy of the book to scan anew. With all that effort, I was really hoping that a great editor would put the translation to the page.

Special thanks to Flame13 over on the E-H forums for the absolutely superb editing. You went above and beyond even while I was being rather, well, critical. For ever doubting your ability know that I apologize a thousand times over because the final result was spectacular. It's entirely too bad that this group didn't do more Gundam books, because their mechanical artist is great at what he does and well... all that Nena is pretty wonderful too. The world could use more sexy-genocidal-psychopaths-voiced-by-Kugimiya-Rie books, and that's the real truth. For now though, enjoy this delightful tale of sibling love and particle physics.


Next up on my plate are translations for PH-Bu's 'Hirogacchau no ga ii no' series, which again will be a collaboration with E-H Forums. In terms of in-house translations, I'm trying to get a couple of one-off All Purpose Cultural Catgirl Nuku Nuku stories translated. I would expand that to other projects but my sole editor is super busy as of late. I may have to shift to a more permanent on-bounty basis for editing to tackle the larger projects I want to start such as Oshigoto After and Ranshi To Kimi To's Amagami series. We'll see! Until next time, folks!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Leotard no New Idol Harusaki Manami ni Bat Sounyuu by Atori Akinao

So here's an interesting one. This story was actually technically a doujin CG set which had the benefit of coming in both text and textless versions that made the editing bit a matter of trying to match the original font, colors and placement rather than worrying about how to cover up or redraw around the JP text. A very nice touch, and for something as short and 'simple' as this it has a pretty good story and... okay, okay, so I translated it because it's extreme and I love this sort of thing. I blame Haruka 18SS by Moon Ruler for that. If you don't know that book, go look it up. Highly recommended unless this isn't your sort of thing. In which case move along, nothing to see here.

This story tells the sad tale of what happens when you go from being a nobody to being a somebody too quickly. If you're just a little no-name innocent girl from nowheresville and suddenly you find that you have a talent that's marketable which the local media latches onto without hesitation, clearly that's going to draw the ire of your more plebian classmates. Especially the female classmates who are clearly threatened by your popularity and want to make sure that you remember your place. Rather than make you sweep the floors like Cinderella, however, they just stick bats in you. Infinitely more effective. Yuri is justice. So are bats. Yuri bats are justice. They are also banned at Anime Expo. THE MORE YOU KNOW.

Well that escalated quickly.

Torrent Link

That's it for all of Rider Kick Translation's backlog! Next up I'm working on a translation for Nena Typhoon, a Gundam 00 story that extols the many uses of GN particles and how the only way to turn a loli into an adult is through lewd. Shh. No questions. Only dreams now.

2Stroke TY by 2Stroke

No, you're not seeing things--this is yet another E-H collaboration from the same author as that Haruhi book, except this time it's delicious Holo! You can never have enough wolf girl, and so once more the bounty tempted me far too greatly and I set out to work on a translation. However, when I was nearly finished with mine--lacking only the author notes--someone else jumped into the thread and posted their own TL. The thing was, though... their TL was a rather poor machine translation that failed to translate several parts that the bounty poster specifically requested. I completed and posted mine anyway, and the majority of this book is my TL. I'm actually not sure which bits aren't anymore.

Besides, the guy who did the partial TL vanished from the face of the planet afterward so we don't know what happened there. In any event, it's a translated Holo book that I worked on so onto the blog it goes, simple as that.

This is a wonderful story about wolves, breasts, lactation and plenty of healthy, loving sex. What more could you ask for? I mean except anal. Or inflation. Or all-the-way-through. Or ure-- Okay, okay, I'll stop. That's not what this story about. This isn't for indulging in the extremes of doujinshi, it's for a light-hearted love comedy featuring the lovey-dovey protagonists of Spice and Wolf! Well, get on with it!

My thoughts exactly, Lawrence. My thoughts exactly.

2STROKE RM by 2Stroke

Time for another collaboration with E-H! Yet another bounty that I spotted and thought, hey, why not. The artist is pretty classic and I haven't seen a Haruhi book in forever, plus the plot in this one was a light-hearted comedy and I'm a total sucker for those. The translation was fairly simple thanks to rather sparse pages, only becoming complex right at the end because the bounty specifically wanted all the artist comments to be translated--and those were way harder than translating the book itself, let me tell you!

In this book we get an eyeful of Haruhi having fantasies followed by Kyon letting his own imagination run wild. You would think one of them would consider possibly getting a room before zoning out and thinking of erotic stuff but maybe you could use that as an excuse to later get down and dirty in the club room? I'm sure Nagato wouldn't mind. I mean, she'd only destroy the universe, right? Or was I not supposed to say that...

In any case, enjoy. I hear that The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan is getting an Anime next year too! Who would've thought that after all this time, we'd have more Haruhi? Not me, that's for sure. Prepare your hnngbladders, everyone. Oh and by the way? Tsuruya is the best girl. That is all.

Kyon's lot in life. I hope she fucks like Taiga to make up for it.

Awakened Girl The First by John K Peta

Another one-shot manga translation, this time for a bounty! Yet again there's an interesting story about this translation. One night I remembered having read this story and kinda wanted to read it again, but I couldn't remember which JKP book it was actually a part of--and there are many--so I gave up and shrugged it off. The very next day as I'm browsing through the bounty list, someone requested a translation for it and provided the chapter! Turns out it was a bonus chapter in the re-release of Geki!! Monzetsu Operation, which I did have on hand and immediately got to work translating. It was my favorite story, and it turned out that it was the only one missing to complete the tank!

So it being a one-shot, the translation didn't take too long though the Slug's speech was a little on the awkward side at times. Kyonpalm once more did a great job of matching his typesetting to the existing JKP content on E-H, and the bounty was successfully completed. One down, plenty more to go! Enjoy!

Taiga no Jouzu na Shitsukekata by Shibousuiteijikoku

Ah, here we have a really fun book. Similar to the Ranka book from before, this was a translation I'd been meaning to do for quite some time, basically ever since I first read it. The thing was, this book came out when all the rest of the ToraDora books were flooding in so I assumed that some other big-name group would latch onto it immediately and get it translated. I maintained that belief until last year when I decided screw it, I'm just going to do this myself. I loved the story and Taiga is awesome and Tehen draws AWESOME x-ray shots so it just had to be done.

There are actually two tales relating to this one. Firstly, while this translation is using the existing raw from way back when ToraDora first aired, I actually do own a copy of this book. I pondered scanning it myself but thought nah, the existing raw is good enough. But yes, I do have quite the collection of doujinshi and this is one of the books that I quite proudly have acquired through my travels. Trust me, it was worth it.

The other story is that not long after I finished translating the book, and after about half of the book had typesetting finished on it, the lovely denizens of /a/ took to making a Taiga thread. This is apparently a common thing, but this time around Kyonpalm and I knew we had something very special to share. So we clipped out SFW pieces of our translation and teased as anons. It was glorious, and was an awesome experience. The only thing we regretted was that before the thread autosaged we said it would be about two weeks and then RKT ran into some real-life issues that heavily delayed the release of the book. A few threads popped up asking our progress, and thankfully not too long after we were safely able to release the book dedicated to all the T/a/iga fans out there. You guys deserve it! Kugyuuuuu~!

Spoilers: Married life to a tsundere is serious business.

Bri☆Kana Fan Kanshasai!! by Studio Tar!

Yessir, it's time for yet another Studio Tar release! See there's just something about this guy and nailing the 'feel' of the original series that makes his works unbelievably attractive. If my translations are able to help convey that to the English-speaking masses then all the better! In fact, lately I've seen another Studio Tar book that's untranslated that I might want to work on... but I haven't seen the series in question, so to even begin I'd have to add another Anime to my already daunting backlog. I dunno if I wanna do that, especially when there's so much more to translate...but that's neither here nor there!

This was finished back in August of 2013, about a year ago, and was a dual-release with The Yakuza. This one was super fun to work on because of the characters involved, so I got to go nuts with the profanity and all that thanks to Kanako's vulgar nature. On top of that Kyonpalm did a great job making the best of the raw, allowing for a good page merge as well as some neat text effects.

In this book Kanako gets invited to join Bridget in a handshake event for Stardust Witch Meruru and thinks that the 'live-action Meruru adaptation' Bridget off-handedly mentions is a feature-length film and that this is her first step into stardom. Well... as it turns out, she wasn't entirely wrong but I don't think this doujin is quite how she expected her debut role to go! Not that I the reader care--it's hot through and through! In fact if anything it ends entirely too soon... but in typical Studio Tar fashion, said ending is glorious. Enjoy!

Handshake, dickshake, milkshake, same thing right?

The Yakuza by Uchiyama-Gumi

So here's a short little one-shot from some ancient H-manga called HameKame. I don't even remember where or why I got this manga but out of the whole thing this was the story that really stood out to me and made me think, "Man, I have to translate this so more people can understand just how ridiculous it is." So with a translation done in super-speed and editing done almost as fast, we had this little short story to go along with the other release that day that had been worked on for a lot longer (more on that next post).

All I can say about this is that while it may not come across clearly in English, in Japanese it was obvious that the Yakuza's speech pattern is pulled directly from the legendary Norio Wakamoto. If you don't know who that is, perhaps Everyone is Wakamoto will help spur your memory. If you still don't know who he is...wow. I don't even know what to say. Well in any event, enjoy this short, ridiculous one-shot story featuring Norio Wakamoto and a loli.

Deru Deru Cirno by Golden Tube

There's a really interesting story about this one. Mostly it's that back when this book was out, I basically bought up a bunch of this artist's books and scanned almost all of them. I ended up becoming sort of the go-to guy when it came to Golden Tube and so it was all the better that someone had put a bounty on a scan for it. "Great!" I thought, "Being rewarded is nice too." So the book's up for all of I think a day...and I notice that someone put up a bounty for it to be translated too. On top of that it was a translation-only bounty requiring no editing. "Well... I can translate. Why not!" So I went about seeing if I could just do a quick TL.

Sure enough, I not only claimed the scan bounty but the TL one as well. Wasn't able to go for the hat trick and nab the editing one but that's all right, Lunatic2 did a fantastic job with the edit and I wouldn't have it any other way. So without further ado, another collaboration between myself and the wonderful folks over at E-H! Thanks for the GP, everybody!

This is Golden Tube's one and only doujinshi...or rather, his one and only parody doujinshi. Everything else Ogu has ever put to paper has been original works (which we love him for), so this is a rare gem. In this book the strongest (if not smartest) fairy is led on by The Doctor (no, not Peter Capaldi, the other one) in order to gather some rare ingredient or another. In typical doujin-logic fashion this starts with tea and ends with pee. Haha, I made a rhyme. Probably tastes good with lime. I need to watch this week's Gaim...

In any event, it's a short but good story about what happens if you don't hand-pick your physician. Enjoy!

It's too bad it ended here, to be honest.

AL×RAN by Toko-ya

 So way back when I made the last post for the blog I mentioned having been working on a Macross Frontier book and that I'd sent the script off for another editor to chew on it. Well not long afterward said editor came through and completed the work, yet that was about when I neglected to continue updating the blog. As such this translation has been available since August 2012--over 2 years ago--yet not a single mention. That's not really fair as I put a lot of effort into the project and this is another one of those personal favorites of mine. So even though this isn't technically a Rider Kick Translations release, I'm gonna give it the glory of its own blog post.

This story has been around since at least as long as the series itself and yet despite plenty of MF doujinshi being created since then this remains my personal favorite. As an interesting--if entirely coincidental--tidbit, right around the time this doujin hit the 'net a certain Cosplay JAV company that shall remain unnamed released a Macross Frontier parody of their own.

Why is that relevant? Well... poor Alto-kun finds out that his darling green-haired friend has been doing some unsavory jobs on the side from Michael, who apparently found an AV and was concerned. Now to be fair the JAV in real life features Ranka, Sheryl and Alto himself so of course it's not what the book is referencing, but shut up I don't care I'll say it is if I want! It enhances the experience, okay!? Besides, the Ranka scenes in that JAV were pretty awesome so...duhuhu...

In any event, it's up to our super sleuth Alto to get to the bottom of this! Or the top. Or the top then the bottom. Or basically get all over it. Or...okay, okay. In any event this is my personal favorite Macross Frontier doujinshi so hopefully you all enjoy it as much as I did. Next up--another collaboration project!


Revived like the Phoenix

So funny thing. For whatever reason I managed to completely forget that there was this blog sitting here waiting for updates...for...well, you saw the date on the last post, right? My apologies to the one super awesome person who commented on that last post a year later, I'll get to checking that TOOHOO stuff in a bit. For now I figure I'll get around to finally updating the blog, as well as anyone who might be reading it.

See, Rider Kick Translations basically went from having two editors to having one to...well, we're having problems. Mostly because I, the translator, have this massive backlog of stuff I want to translate but am held back by my own horrendously bad procrastination as well as the perceived lack of editors to put my brilliance to the page. I've been considering just pulling my bounty for the Nanoha Witches book I was looking for and repurpose that ungodly amount of funds towards editing bounties, kinda like what Red_Piotrus over at E-H does. That way I'd reduce it to just my procrastination which makes it only my own problem, and hopefully will relieve some motivational issues. We'll see. I haven't made a firm decision as I'd still rather have an editor who I can converse with and trust personally, someone who can be a more permanent fixture here at RKT. Kyonpalm, if you're reading this, I'm not saying you're not our editor I'm just saying that that Shimakaze book has been translated and scanned since forever, you know? But it's okay, we can move on from that book as there is plenty more to do. Doujin-Moe already released it anyway.

However, this post isn't about how dead we are because in the time since the last blog post we here at RKT have managed to get a whopping five translations done (nine if you include the ones where I was merely the translator)! I know, we're not exactly one of those big names like LWB or Mysterymeat3 who translate stuff like machines (referring to sheer volume here, not quality guys!), but that's still quite a few posts to make after this one! I'm excited to do a personal run-down of each release, and hopefully there'll be more to come in the near future. I'm working on some projects for another party at present, so while I won't be releasing as RKT--I'm freelancing--I will probably still make a blog post once they're uploaded like I'll be doing for the other freelance-translation books I've worked on since the last update.

Well then, on with the updating! Stay tuned!