Monday, September 1, 2014

Taiga no Jouzu na Shitsukekata by Shibousuiteijikoku

Ah, here we have a really fun book. Similar to the Ranka book from before, this was a translation I'd been meaning to do for quite some time, basically ever since I first read it. The thing was, this book came out when all the rest of the ToraDora books were flooding in so I assumed that some other big-name group would latch onto it immediately and get it translated. I maintained that belief until last year when I decided screw it, I'm just going to do this myself. I loved the story and Taiga is awesome and Tehen draws AWESOME x-ray shots so it just had to be done.

There are actually two tales relating to this one. Firstly, while this translation is using the existing raw from way back when ToraDora first aired, I actually do own a copy of this book. I pondered scanning it myself but thought nah, the existing raw is good enough. But yes, I do have quite the collection of doujinshi and this is one of the books that I quite proudly have acquired through my travels. Trust me, it was worth it.

The other story is that not long after I finished translating the book, and after about half of the book had typesetting finished on it, the lovely denizens of /a/ took to making a Taiga thread. This is apparently a common thing, but this time around Kyonpalm and I knew we had something very special to share. So we clipped out SFW pieces of our translation and teased as anons. It was glorious, and was an awesome experience. The only thing we regretted was that before the thread autosaged we said it would be about two weeks and then RKT ran into some real-life issues that heavily delayed the release of the book. A few threads popped up asking our progress, and thankfully not too long after we were safely able to release the book dedicated to all the T/a/iga fans out there. You guys deserve it! Kugyuuuuu~!

Spoilers: Married life to a tsundere is serious business.

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