Monday, September 1, 2014

The Yakuza by Uchiyama-Gumi

So here's a short little one-shot from some ancient H-manga called HameKame. I don't even remember where or why I got this manga but out of the whole thing this was the story that really stood out to me and made me think, "Man, I have to translate this so more people can understand just how ridiculous it is." So with a translation done in super-speed and editing done almost as fast, we had this little short story to go along with the other release that day that had been worked on for a lot longer (more on that next post).

All I can say about this is that while it may not come across clearly in English, in Japanese it was obvious that the Yakuza's speech pattern is pulled directly from the legendary Norio Wakamoto. If you don't know who that is, perhaps Everyone is Wakamoto will help spur your memory. If you still don't know who he I don't even know what to say. Well in any event, enjoy this short, ridiculous one-shot story featuring Norio Wakamoto and a loli.

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