Monday, September 1, 2014

Leotard no New Idol Harusaki Manami ni Bat Sounyuu by Atori Akinao

So here's an interesting one. This story was actually technically a doujin CG set which had the benefit of coming in both text and textless versions that made the editing bit a matter of trying to match the original font, colors and placement rather than worrying about how to cover up or redraw around the JP text. A very nice touch, and for something as short and 'simple' as this it has a pretty good story and... okay, okay, so I translated it because it's extreme and I love this sort of thing. I blame Haruka 18SS by Moon Ruler for that. If you don't know that book, go look it up. Highly recommended unless this isn't your sort of thing. In which case move along, nothing to see here.

This story tells the sad tale of what happens when you go from being a nobody to being a somebody too quickly. If you're just a little no-name innocent girl from nowheresville and suddenly you find that you have a talent that's marketable which the local media latches onto without hesitation, clearly that's going to draw the ire of your more plebian classmates. Especially the female classmates who are clearly threatened by your popularity and want to make sure that you remember your place. Rather than make you sweep the floors like Cinderella, however, they just stick bats in you. Infinitely more effective. Yuri is justice. So are bats. Yuri bats are justice. They are also banned at Anime Expo. THE MORE YOU KNOW.

Well that escalated quickly.

Torrent Link

That's it for all of Rider Kick Translation's backlog! Next up I'm working on a translation for Nena Typhoon, a Gundam 00 story that extols the many uses of GN particles and how the only way to turn a loli into an adult is through lewd. Shh. No questions. Only dreams now.

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