Monday, September 1, 2014

Bri☆Kana Fan Kanshasai!! by Studio Tar!

Yessir, it's time for yet another Studio Tar release! See there's just something about this guy and nailing the 'feel' of the original series that makes his works unbelievably attractive. If my translations are able to help convey that to the English-speaking masses then all the better! In fact, lately I've seen another Studio Tar book that's untranslated that I might want to work on... but I haven't seen the series in question, so to even begin I'd have to add another Anime to my already daunting backlog. I dunno if I wanna do that, especially when there's so much more to translate...but that's neither here nor there!

This was finished back in August of 2013, about a year ago, and was a dual-release with The Yakuza. This one was super fun to work on because of the characters involved, so I got to go nuts with the profanity and all that thanks to Kanako's vulgar nature. On top of that Kyonpalm did a great job making the best of the raw, allowing for a good page merge as well as some neat text effects.

In this book Kanako gets invited to join Bridget in a handshake event for Stardust Witch Meruru and thinks that the 'live-action Meruru adaptation' Bridget off-handedly mentions is a feature-length film and that this is her first step into stardom. Well... as it turns out, she wasn't entirely wrong but I don't think this doujin is quite how she expected her debut role to go! Not that I the reader care--it's hot through and through! In fact if anything it ends entirely too soon... but in typical Studio Tar fashion, said ending is glorious. Enjoy!

Handshake, dickshake, milkshake, same thing right?

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